Aidan and Jolene discuss how they found alcohol-free like-minded people through blogging, Instagram, FaceBook groups, and when social media connections can turn into friendships in real life.

Jolene mentions how This Naked Mind and The HOME podcast weren’t available when she stopped drinking so the online world is quickly and rapidly changing.

They mention in-person groups like AA, Refuge Recovery, SMART Recovery, Women and Sobriety, Life Ring and the importance of being with people face-to-face which helps calm and regulate the nervous system. Aidan is part of a sober bookclub that was started by Mia Glow who is SoberGlow on Instagram. Begin to research and explore what local groups are in your area and available for you to tap into.

While some friendships dropped away, they both added many new people to their life as well. Being public can expedite finding your people. Aidan recommends paying attention to people’s energy and how it impacts you. If there are people who criticize and make you feel less than, they are not your people.

The flip side of how you find your people is how you let go of people. It can be hard and difficult at times to step away from certain individuals and groups but take the time to find communities that resonate with you because we all need human connection and support.



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