If you’re thinking about or in the process of stopping an unhealthy coping mechanism like drinking alcohol, try ADDING something into your life instead of focusing on what you’re taking away.
According to NASA, when you are consistent and follow through on a new routine/task/practice for 30-days your neuropathways will rewire in four weeks. One month is long enough to get noticeable benefits, yet short enough that you can sustain your motivation which will catapult you into a fresh, new start.
“In the early days of the space program, NASA designed an experiment to determine the physiological and psychological effects of the spatial disorientation the astronauts would experience in the weightless environment of space. Astronauts wore a pair of convex goggles that flipped everything in their field of vision 180 degrees. Their world was literally turned upside down. The astronauts had to wear the goggles 24 hours a day, 7 days per week even when they were asleep. Although they experienced physical symptoms of anxiety and stress initially – elevated blood pressure, respiration, and other vital signs – they gradually adapted to their new “realities.” On the 26th day of the experiment, something amazing happened to one of the astronauts. His world turned right-side-up again even though he continued to wear the goggles 24 hours a day. Between days 26-30, the same thing happened for each of the remaining astronauts. The scientists discovered that after 26-30 days of this continuous stream of new input the astronauts’ brains actually created neural pathways that “rewired” their brains. The brain requires approximately 30 uninterrupted days for new neural connections to form – for new habits to form. In order to change a habit, it is crucial that you put systems in place to ensure you follow the new behavior you have chosen. Otherwise, without thinking you will revert to the old behavior!” Deb Cheslow
When you change one area of your life, a ripple effect can happen in all areas of your life. Everything is interconnected. A 30-day challenge is a great way to move away from unhealthy patterns, habits, or routines. You’ll be surprised how quickly your resiliency and inner strength builds when you take daily consistent action.
You have two choices during your 30-day challenge, you can either:
1.) Stay Stagnant
2.) Transform
I guarantee something uncomfortable will happen during your 30-days.
You’ll have a bad day.
You’ll get bored.
You’ll become frustrated.
You’ll have a crazy busy day.
You’ll feel tired.
You’ll get stressed.
So what will you do? Will you stagnate and quit? Or will you continue and transform?
Teach yourself how to stay and not flee from the transformational process by committing to and following through with a personal 30-day challenge.
Also, kind to yourself!
When selecting your “challenge” if you are physically exhausted and depleted I would not recommend trying to exercise for 30-days straight.
If you obsess about food, perhaps a nutrition challenge isn’t the best focus for you right now. How about embarking on a random act of kindness challenge?
If you give away your energy to others every day, whether at home or at work, try a relaxation or leisure challenge.
Choose the thing that will push (challenge) you out of your normal comfort zone, yet it will still nourish, feed and fortify you while it also rewires your brain!
Here are some ideas to get you started. Pick one thing that resonates and is doable within your daily routine for the next 30 days. Remember, if you’re taking something out of your life like alcohol, it’s important to ADD something into your life. Little things done consistently make the biggest difference.
Ideas for your 30-day personal challenge:
Exercise – Walk, run, hike, go the gym, take a workout class, do a workout DVD or yoga every day.
Journal – Write for a minimum of 15 minutes every day. After 10 or more minutes of journaling, you’ll drop into the deeper layers of your subconscious and intuitive guidance.
Drink 100 oz of water every day – This is the magic number that is said to increase metabolism by 30% and keep your brain hydrated and healthy. See what shifts happen after 30-days of adequate hydration.
Random act of kindness – Offer a kind word, gesture, or gift to a stranger or person you know. Look for opportunities throughout the day. Do a kind deed and then let it be. See what changes in your life as a result.
Cook one meal at home every day – Home cooked meals! Prep, prepare, and create a nourishing meal for yourself and others if you choose. Sit down with nice plates, cutlery, and perhaps fresh flowers on the table. Eat slowly and chew mindfully. Notice.
Write down what inspired you each day – Keep a notebook with you. Be curious. When inspiration hits, write it down. You might be surprised how this random string of inspiration weaves together and offers you useful insight after 30-days.
Meditate or do breathwork– 5-20 minutes, whatever works for you. Pick a time and place and a meditation practice that you like. Sit. Be still. Notice what happens after four weeks of daily, consistent meditation.
Eat some type of vegetable at every meal (even breakfast) – Fresh, local, frozen, grilled, steamed, raw, blended in soups or smoothies, it doesn’t matter, just get a vegetable(s) into every meal for 30-days.
Go outside and sit in the sunshine for 15 minutes – Even if it’s a cloudy, stormy day go outside and sit or walk on dirt. Vitamin D and fresh air can be a wonderful addition to your life.
Draw, paint, sketch – Keep a notebook and create, draw, paint a picture that represents what happened each day during this challenge.
Sit in silence – See what happens when you seek out complete silence for 5-20 minutes every day for the next 30-days.
Play an instrument – If you play the guitar, piano, flute, drums, etc. Dust them off and play your instrument every day during your 30-day health challenge. There are a lot of healing benefits to creating your own music.
Read a book – Not on a screen or device, but read actual books and expose yourself to new stories and ways of thinking for the next month.
Drink a cup of tea – Add a tea ritual (whatever type of tea you like) to your day and see what happens.
Pray – Sit in a cathedral, church, temple, or another place of worship, go to a sacred site in your city or your own home every day for 30-days and see what shifts inside and around you.
Play a brain game – Crossword, Sudoku, Tetris, puzzles, cards. Let yourself have fun. Play a game every day.
Take a 20-minute nap or go to bed before 10 pm – Rest, lie down, take a catnap. Notice the benefits of daily (middle of the day) rest or going to bed early for the next month.
Take a cold shower every morning – This gets your lymph moving and stimulates your adrenal glands which can quickly boost and shift your energy over a 30-day time period.
Eat dinner with your family or friends every night for the next 30 days – Share a meal with uplifting people at least once a day and see if you feel more connected and nourished.
Save $10 a day – In 30-days you’ll have $300 for a rainy day fund, go do something fun and healthy with that money (or keep saving!) to mark the successful completion of your 30-day challenge.
Pick one thing to focus on and add it into your life for the next 30-days. Challenge yourself. Stay consistent. Follow through. It will change your neuropathways!
I like tracking 30-day challenges on the Good Habits App (for iPhones only) or a desk calendar. Don’t break the chain!
If you want to follow me on Instagram, I’d love to hear what you decide to do as your 30-day challenge to rewire your brain.
If you’d like some individual support during your 30-day (and longer) challenge check out my private Craving Brain coaching program.